
According to the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 (JJ Act 2015), aftercare refers to ‘making provision of support, financial or otherwise, to persons, who have completed the age of eighteen years but have not completed twenty-one years, and have left any institutional care to join the mainstream of society’. Aftercare can be termed as a preparatory stage for young adults during which they are provided financial support, training in skills, handholding for career development, counselling for managing emotions and such other measures that contribute to the process of their social mainstreaming. It is the final stage in the continuum of care of institutionalized children. They are not left alone after completion of stay in institutions but are helped for a certain duration to enable their reintegration in the society. (Aftercare, Udayan Care and UNICEF India Country Office, 2016)


  • LEAVING CARE POLICY DEVELOPMENT: A policy brief for practitioners
    Udayan Care, SOS Children’s Villages, University of Hildesheim and Kinderperspectief , 2021

    The process of leaving care is a transnational and global challenge. Even though there are several variations between care-leaving policies and the availability of support worldwide, the challenges faced by Care Leavers are similar everywhere. While there is enough evidence to show that organisations that effectively engage with children and young persons in co-creating their practices are most effective, it must be ensured that such participation is true and not mere tokenistic in nature. The involvement of Care Leavers in policy making, decision making and working for their best interest is the best way that societies can contribute towards their betterment. This policy brief puts together the key guiding principles that all organisations working with and for care leavers must keep in mind, as expressed by Care Leavers themselves, during the 1st International Care Leavers Convention 2020.

  • Leaving Care Policy Development: A brief for policy makers
    Udayan Care, SOS Children’s Villages, University of Hildesheim and Kinderperspectief, 2021

    The process of leaving care is a transnational and global challenge. Even though there are several variations between care-leaving policies and the availability of support worldwide, the challenges faced by Care Leavers are similar everywhere. Most countries lack a clear policy on leaving care. Care Leavers often become nobody’s responsibility and data systems in most countries are not well established. Consequently, most Care Leavers worldwide face challenges in housing, education, employment, mental health and psycho-social wellbeing and social support networks. A policy on leaving care must primarily aim to improve the life opportunities of Care Leavers as they transition to independent living. Any such policy must aim to improve their life outcomes and prepare them to leave care smoothly; support their active participation in decision making, and provide adequate and appropriate aftercare support. This policy brief puts together the key guiding principles that can support policy makers while developing policies on leaving care, as expressed by Care Leavers themselves, during the 1st International Care Leavers Convention 2020.