Supporting Youth Leave Care: A Study of Aftercare Practices in Delhi

Udayan Care, and DCPCR, 2019

Current Aftercare Practices (CAP) is a research study conducted in the State of Delhi and is part of a multistate study conducted in Karnataka, Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Maharashtra. The CAP study is an Udayan Care initiative, supported and funded by UNICEF, Tata Trusts and other partners; and is base d on the premise that every child who leaves an Alternative Care setting on completing 18 years of age (or becomes a ‘Care Leaver’) needs extended support in the form of Aftercare. The CAP study gathers evidence through a scientific data collection process, consolidates knowledge and promising practices, and discusses gaps and challenges from multi-stakeholders’ perspective. At various stages, the study has employed participatory methods to incorporate the voices of CLs and critical feedback from key stakeholders and experts.

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