This paper describes a potentially scalable approach to the issue of reintegrating children who have grown up in institutional care into mainstream society when they leave care on turning 18 years. It shares the experience of Catalysts for Social Action (CSA), and A Future for Every Child (AFEC) in implementing the ‘Bridge to Adulthood (B2A)’ program. The program seeks to prepare effectively and equip children in institutional care and CLs with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead a respectable life outside care, and also helps them identify and be trained for a career they wish to pursue. The program has supported 327 Care Leavers(CLs) from June 2016-December 2019. The B2A program addresses gaps in the present system of rehabilitation and reintegration of children in institutional care by: a. Preparing children for life outside institutional care through age-appropriate life skills training to develop self- awareness and confidence, and also become familiar with necessary concepts and tools for an independent life; b. Supporting young adults for higher education and vocational training by helping them develop a career plan based on their interest and aptitude, and gain vocational skills or pursue higher education to become economically self-sufficient; c. Providing mentoring support for two years after job placement to ensure that they are firmly on the path to self-sufficiency, through Program Officers who keep in touch with the CL, to know about their whereabouts and support them where necessary. The paper goes on to give an account of the strategies and outcomes of the implementation of the program in the states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and Goa between June 2016 and December 2019. It presents data of 327 CLs across the four states, describing their demographic characteristics, career choices, job placement statistics, and earning potential. In its conclusion, the paper analyses the program to scale to a large number of CLs, and lists areas of improvement and future work.