This is a compilation of the information gathered on Aftercare practices from different sources around the as on date practices by state governments and NGOs in different states of India. The information is based on the easy access and availability of information by Udayan Care and is not a exhaustive illustration. The objective of this compilation is to understand and plan an exposure cum learning visit to officials of the Bihar state functionaries and to see some of the existing good work being carried out in those states, so that the elements of them can be contextualized and replicated in the state of Bihar.
The document also aims to shed light on the housing models existing in different states, so that the Govt. of Bihar can pilot the setting up of a community group housing project for care leavers in the state. It is important to note that there is no clarity on the registration of aftercare residential facilities run by voluntary organizations or the government under the JJ Act 2015, perhaps due to the fact that law envisages Aftercare as a non-institutional model and while it does prescribe community group housing under Rule 25 of JJ Rules, norms for its set up and monitoring are not elaborated