International Care Leavers Convention, 3rd Pre Event. An insight into global research on leaving care processes as well as into research activities of Care Leavers. The situation and life perspective of Care Leavers are drawing attention from researchers, academicians and practitioners across the world, as only rich data can throw evidence as to what the challenges and gaps in policy, law and practice in different countries are. With Care Leavers also interested in research on care leaving, the momentum on this is gaining ground. Join academicians, researchers, and practitioners, as well as Care Leavers as researchers themselves, in this session, to know about some of the studies being conducted and impacts created, worldwide. The session is enriching as not only will it discuss some seminal studies but will also generate interest in more such focused studies that can hugely impact the future of Care Leaving laws, policies and practices globally. The session discusses the findings of a 2019 study about the situation of care leaving across 36 countries, done by FICE as well as participatory research undertaken by Care Leavers themselves.